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New Transit Systems People and Culture GM ready to target next generation

As Transit Systems continues to grow and evolve in the dynamic world of multi-modal passenger transport, the company is gearing up to attract the next generation of workers such as data scientists, urban planners, zero emission fleet technicians and charging infrastructure specialists, with the appointment of new People and Culture General Manager, Tanya Smith.

Transit Systems CEO Michael McGee said it's essential to invest in their most valuable asset - its people.

“As we set our sights on building the next generation workforce, the role of General Manager, People and Culture takes centre stage in our strategic vision. With a steadfast commitment to cultivating a vibrant company culture, fostering unwavering employee engagement, and nurturing our diverse talent pool, this position holds paramount importance in attracting, recruiting, and empowering the next generation of talented individuals.”

Tanya shared her insights on this paradigm shift, highlighting the company’s commitment to training its staff and creating opportunities for the next generation of jobs.

“Today, the transportation sector is undergoing a remarkable transformation, and at Transit Systems, we are the forefront of this exciting change. We recognise the importance of preparing our existing workforce for the challenges ahead, while also creating opportunities for the next generation of jobs. Within the next decade, we envision most of our staff transitioning from working on traditional Internal Combustion Engines to cutting-edge fuel cell and prototyping battery electric vehicles, requiring a whole new set of skills and knowledge,” Tanya said.

“It is indeed an exciting time to be in the industry, and Transit Systems is proud to be leading this transformational shift.  One of our recent recruits is a brilliant graduate electric engineer, Krizell Aligam. Krizell is actively contributing to projects, ranging from developing hydrogen fuel cell buses to fully electric ferries.

“As we embrace the new era of electrification and green technology, Transit Systems will continue to pave the way for a greener, more efficient future in transportation.” Tanya added.

“Tanya brings a wealth of experience in roles within large scale operations with national geographic footprints.  Tanya’s background encompasses rail, mining and logistics sectors, and a proven track record in managing government contracts. Tanya has held senior management roles in Downer and Decmil Australia. Tanya’s expertise extends to safety, industrial and employee relations having developed performance management frameworks with employee and union buy-in. We're confident Tanya’s diverse experience will be a valuable addition to our team and across Transit Systems’ business operations,” Mr McGee said.

Tanya also brings to Transit Systems her strategic leadership across people and culture matters.  Tanya will focus on enhancing employee experience, developing innovative talent acquisition strategies, and implementing effective learning and development programs.

As Transit Systems continues to grow, the organisation knows its success is directly linked to the engagement and satisfaction of its employees. Transit Systems’ commitment is unwavering in fostering a supportive and inclusive work environment, where all team members feel valued, respected, and empowered.

“With Tanya leading our people and culture initiatives, we are confident we will continue to attract, develop, and retain the best talent in the industry,” Mr McGee added.

Tanya believes that a strong-people oriented approach is the cornerstone to an organisation’s success and she is committed to nurturing a culture that empowers team members to thrive.

“Transit Systems has a reputation of innovation so we are well placed to attract the next generation of employees into the sector. There are lots of exciting opportunities to get involved with, from network planning, overseeing the design and construction of world class electrical charging infrastructure projects, deploying renewable energy sources, to utilising energy management software, and being behind the wheel of zero emission vehicles,” she said.

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